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High School Student Services

Welcome to Naples Classical High School Student Services! Here you will find everything from college advising to graduation requirements for your scholar. You can also reach out to Mrs. Ellis

High School Parent FAQ

Will my student receive college advising?

All students have access to meet on campus with Mrs. Ellis, the College Advisor, as needed. Depending on the grade level, scholars will regularly meet or be group instructed on some aspect concerning academic success, graduation, postsecondary options, etc.

Will my scholar take any of the college-readiness exams in school?

Yes, all scholars in grades 8-12 will take the three major college-readiness exams, but not every year. All scholars in grades 6-12 take the Classical Learning Test (CLT) for their grade level each year.  Scholars in 11th & 12th grade will take part in the SAT & ACT School Testing Days. They will take the full length exam on the selected school day. 11th & 10th grade scholars will take the PSAT on the national PSAT day to potentially earn the National Merit Scholarship and determine their progress towards their score goal. 9th grade scholars will take the PreACT as well as the PSAT 8/9 exam. Scholars in grade 8 will also take the PSAT 8/9. 

Do you offer any opportunities to earn college credit?

NCA encourages scholars to take advantage of the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP). Please email for more information.

What is the Bright Futures Scholarship? How can my scholar earn it?

Bright Futures is a program through the state of Florida and the state Board of Education. As long as a scholar meets the minimum requirements set for either the Florida Academic Scholar award or the Florida Medallion award, they will earn that level of scholarship! The requirements include: 16 required credits, weighted GPA of 3.5/3.0, community service/paid work/combination totaling 100/75 hours, and an SAT/ACT/CLT score of 1340/29/96 or 1210/25/86. Please see the information on this link to learn more!

How can my student earn community service hours for a Bright Futures Scholarship?

Community Service Hours are available for high school students either through NCA or an outside program. NCA students are encouraged to meet a minimum of 100 volunteer hours prior to graduation.

CLICK HERE to download the service hours form.

Does NCA offer high school sports?

NCA offers a competitive athletics program.

Can my student drive to school? If so, where do they park?

Parking will be available for high school drivers. Students must fill out the Student Parking Form in order to receive a parking permit. There will be designated parking spaces for students.

Will my student be able to carry a backpack from class to class, during the school day?

All upper and high school students will be issued a lock and a locker. All backpacks and personal items should be placed in their locker at the beginning of the day. Backpacks will not be brought into the classroom. 

Will my student be able to bring a cell phone to school?

Cell phones are not allowed on campus. Students who bring their cell phone to school will have it removed, and parents will be required to pick it up from the front desk. There may be other consequences, depending on the situation. 

Will there be a Prom?

NCA offers several social events for students throughout the year. High school students (grades 9-12) will be able to attend Prom in the Spring.

If you have any more questions that have not been answered, please feel free to contact us at and we will be happy to help you.

Should my student take sequential foreign languages? ( i.e. Latin 1 and Latin 2. Or Spanish 1 and Spanish 2)

Section 1007.261(1)(a), Florida Statutes, requires two credits of sequential foreign language instruction at the secondary level as a prerequisite for admission to all Florida state colleges and universities. All high school students will complete this requirement regardless of postsecondary plans.