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Register Student

If You Received an Offer to Register...Move on to Step 3 

Step 3: Accept Offer to Register

When you receive the offer to register, you will have 3 days to accept the offer to let us know you plan to complete the registration process. To accept the offer, follow the instructions in the email received from SchoolMint.

Step 4: Complete Registration

Registration starts on the 10th of January.  For the first lottery, you will have until 24 January to complete the registration process.  For subsequent lotteries, you will have 14 calendar days from the date you accept the offer to register to complete the registration process through SchoolMint. NCA has a paperless registration process, so all documents will need to be uploaded using the SchoolMint instructions provided. Families who do not complete the registration process by the due date will lose their student's seat; that seat will be turned over to the next student on the waiting list.

Login to Register

Quick Link to the Registration Documents list that you will need to register.  

QUESTIONS: Please contact the registrar at if you have any issues or questions about the NCA enrollment process.

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